Sree Subrahmanya Swamy temple The Sree Subrahmanya Swamy temple in Haripad , in the state in Kerala. Subrahmanya Swamy is mainly dedicates of Dakshina Palani(Southern Palani ). The temple is built before the rule of Kaliyuga . A ll the landlords of Eakachakra (the then Haripad) had vision regarding the idol in the sametime which led them to find the idol in Kayamkulam lake. T he temple is Murugan in four armed form with Vel in one hand, Vajrayudha in another hand one hand bestowing blessing and the other toughing its thighs. The idol is about eight feet in height. The idol is believed to have presence of Vishnu , Shiva and Brahma . The temple's Sanctum sanctorum is round in shape. The temple compound also hosts a Koothambalam . Peacocks , Murugan 's...